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LYDAMARIE - I am tremendously Thankful for your obedience in coming to PE at this time and season. Breakthroughs are already felt in the atmosphere – even in our own church building – where we are tremendously blessed and Thankful for the presence of the Holy Spirit have a new sense of Love and Joy in it that has been released today – & I sincerely want to Thank The Company Of Prophets for the work that you do.


SUSANNE LOOTS - Our town:  We are declaring over our town the declaration that we received during the Company of Prophets conference last year and this linked with our prayers have already had a positive outcome.  Our local municipality instituted a motion of no confidence in our Mayor - a Godly woman.  This was dropped even before it was put to a vote.  We prayed for a new Municipal Manager that would be without corruption and who wanted to make the town a better place for all the residents, who would serve the people and not himself.  This happened and he already suspended 4 corrupted councillors! Council meetings often ended up being shouting matches without any positive outcomes.  That is if they actually started. We started praying before each council meeting and got this report after the last meeting: “Meeting was concluded in a record time. It really went well, no disagreements and everyone was in unity.”  All this in 3 months time after we received the word about what God wants for our town and our province and in obedience acted on it.


We thank you for the time you spent with us, for speaking the word of God accurately and for activating in us a hunger and a desire to be obedient.  Also thank you for impartation and equipping us for what lies ahead. Can you also convey this to your team please.


May God bless you all so that your fruit may be plentiful and His Kingdom be expand to the ends of the earth!


ANNAH MOGALE - My name is Annah Mogale and I attended the COP Conference in November 2022. Less than three weeks earlier, I had buried my dad. I came to the conference a little bit lost and honestly I don’t think I was expecting much. I was still grieving and I didn’t know what I wanted God to do for me. But because God is so faithful and He knows what we need inspite of ourselves. The whole Conference was like a Godly hug for me. The first night I had a prophetic word that I think didn’t just blow my mind but everyone who attended. I was shocked by how big it is but I was also comforted and encouraged that God is still thinking about me and concerned about me. He still has me In His plans and purpose.

Since we left the conference I can honestly say I am a living testimony of the scripture that says, “Times of refreshing will come from the Lord”. My soul and spirit have been so refreshed and nourished by the Lord himself. My prayer life has been revised, my confidence is back again. I’m fasting again, I am dreaming again and God is speaking to me through dreams. I’m really back In faith mode. It’s like I was the sleeping beauty with God giving me His heavenly kis of life and I have awakened to life. My life is accelerating in a way I have never seen before. I know it’s because I attended the conference in Modimoĺle. I have gained such a boldness to pursue the purpose and plans of God over my life. I am so hopeful that those who make the effort to attend these conferences, they are truly a birthing and revival ground for lost dreams and new vision. You are doing a complete spiritual investment when you attend. Your testimony is awaiting...

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