2022 Has surely started with a "Big Bang” many of us have found that God might be realigning us, moving us into new positions, new connections. At the commencement of 2022, we must know that this is a year of Supernatural supply, Supernatural outpourings, Supernatural Graces… This realm of the Supernatural we will access and download through greater levels of faith and prayer…
For many of us, 2022 will be a year of walking on water, as we trust the Supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit within us… The company of prophets will be hosting BI-WEEKLY Live Facebook Meetings this year. We will be sharing our vision on our first meeting and sharing what God is saying through the various local and international prophets.
We look forward to having you with us on Tuesday evenings as we trust to build a very effective prophetic community in South Africa, reaching into Africa….
FACEBOOK LIVE @companyofprophetsSA
Starting 01 FEBRUARY 2022